WebRavi never thought of becoming an actor until he was roped in to play the lead in 7G Rainbow Colony. The actors, Madhavan and Siddarth, were the first choices for the film “7 G Brindavan Colony,” but they rejected the offer due to their busy schedules. It was then, that the director, Selva Raghava, asked Ravi to do the film. WebKadhir is a young underachiever who frequently vents his frustrations through public outbursts. When a north Indian girl Anitha moves to his neighborhood, he falls head over …
7G Rainbow Colony (2004) directed by Selvaraghavan • …
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WebKathir, a jobless youngster, relentlessly pursues Anitha with his love. Anitha's feelings slowly change from contempt to love, but she does not want to reveal it until Kathir … Web"7G Rainbow Colony" — romance and drama movie produced in India and released in 2004. It has a great rating on IMDb: 7.9 stars out of 10. It is a feature-length film with a runtime of 3h 5min. "7G Rainbow Colony" is currently available for rent and to buy on Google Play. Click on a playlink to watch it now! WebG Rainbow Colony, Download the latest released Bollywood HD Movies, Games and Software directly from Torrent. Been a really long while since a movie came in tamil, that truly stuck to its.. Tags: 3, 3 lyrics, 3 mp3 songs, 3 Music Review, 3 song, 3 songs download,. Kaadhal Kadithangal 4 Students 7aam Arivu 7G Rainbow colony A aa E ee. … 7gold marche streaming